I just realized it’s been almost 2 weeks since I returned from spring break, and I haven’t posted anything recently. I have not traveled anywhere major since spring break. Last Tuesday, our class took a day trip to Torino (Turin). It snowed on us all afternoon and was freezing cold! In contrast, this Tuesday, we took a day trip to Como, and it was sunny and beautiful outside. The weather has been really nice this week. It’s finally started to warm up and feel a little like spring. In Como, we looked at boring Rationalist architecture all day, but the highlight of the day was our one-hour lunch break, which we spent reading and relaxing and eating gelato by Lake Como. It was so gorgeous. Apparently, George Clooney has a house in Como too.
Last weekend, we stayed in Italy because we had our villa party on Friday night. Professors and the rest of the villa staff, friends of the villa staff, and architects from the area were invited. One of the staff members son’s band played,
and they made lots of food and had an open bar. It was nice to see everyone all dressed up. All of us living in the villa are so comfortable with each other now that we rarely look good around each other anymore. On Saturday, Catherine and I went to Milan for the day to visit buildings we needed to research for one of our classes. This week has mostly just revolved around schoolwork, but tomorrow, Judith, Catherine, and I are headed to Nice, France!
Last weekend, we stayed in Italy because we had our villa party on Friday night. Professors and the rest of the villa staff, friends of the villa staff, and architects from the area were invited. One of the staff members son’s band played,

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